First APRICOT Management Board meeting

On Monday, 6th April 2020 the APRICOT Management Board met for the first time in order to discuss work progress and plan next steps, though owing to CoVid-19 and resulting national and international measures to contain the virus spread, the meeting originally planned as a face-to-face meeting had to be reorganized to take place virtually.

After being warmly welcomed by the Coordinator, all Work Package leaders presented the status of their work packages and tasks after the first six months into the project. Supported by the excellent communication and interaction established between the individual partners as well as between work packages, first promising progress could be shown. The APRICOT partners engaged in vivid discussions despite the limitations of a virtual conference and agreed that the work is currently well on track.

In addition, the Coordinator reported on current management issues, the most pressing one being the CoVid-19 pandemic and its consequences for the project, which cannot be fully estimated at this point in time. Notwithstanding restrictions resulting from general laboratory, university and work place lockdowns, the APRICOT partners will do their utmost to continue their project work with as little disruption as possible.

The meeting was rounded off by a webinar presented by partner Eurice on features, usage and workflows of the project-internal, password-protected APRICOT Project Management Platform. This platform supports general project collaboration and communication, organisation of Grant Agreement obligations such as dissemination activities, meeting organisation, and other project-related activities.